Expired: Uncap the Lost Treasures of Baja Island Promotion

Uncap the Lost Treasures of Baja Island Promotion

Uncap the Lost Treasures of Baja Island Promotion


Enter Uncap the Lost Treasures of Baja Island Promotion to win a $1,000 gift card + 18,000 others will get MTN DEW!

Prizes –

  • (84) Daily Prizes –  Each Daily Prize will consist of a pre-paid debit card or pre-paid debit cards in smaller denominations to total in aggregate $1,000.00.

  • (18,000) Grand Prizes –  Each Grand Prize will consist of a 6-pack of an unreleased MTN DEW flavor. Approximate Retail Value is $12.00 each prize.

Ends – September 4, 2022

Entry – Daily Entry

Eligibility – USA & D.C. Only. 18+

NOTE – To enter this one you will need to buy a 20 oz. bottle of 3 MTN DEW Baja Flavors (Mango Gem, Baja Gold or Baja Blast Zero Sugar) and look for the 10 alphanumeric code on the bottle cap that you can use to enter. OR you can see the Official Rules for details on entering by mail.


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