Miller Lite J Balvin Sweepstakes and Instant Win Game
Enter Miller Lite J Balvin Sweepstakes and Instant Win Game to win grand prize and 5,565 others instantly win a prize!
Prizes –
(5) GRAND PRIZES: Each winner will receive a trip for two to attend a J Balvin concert, date and location determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Trip package includes round trip, coach-class air transportation for two from a major airport near winner’s home; two nights’ accommodations at a hotel determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion (single room, double occupancy); two tickets to the Concert and one $200.00 ride share gift card
(27) FIRST OF PRIZES: Each winner will receive one J Balvin autographed varsity jacket ARV: $296.
(32) SECOND OF PRIZES: Each winner will receive one J Balvin autographed snapback hat. ARV: $64.
(4) THIRD OF PRIZES: Each winner will receive one J Balvin autographed bucket hat. ARV: $64.
(12) FOURTH OF PRIZES: Each winner will receive one J Balvin autographed t-shirt. ARV: $62.
(5,490) FIFTH OF PRIZES (Ninety awarded for each calendar day): Each winner will receive $20 transferred into winner’s Venmo account.
Ends – April 30, 2023
Entry – Daily Entry
Eligibility – USA & D.C. Only (No NJ). 21+