Enter The PokerGO Social Media Dream Seat Giveaway to win the chance of a lifetime by winning a Dream Seat!
Prizes –
One free-roll entry to play in the 2023 PGT Championship held at the PokerGO Studio in Las Vegas, Nevada, currently anticipated to be held December 4, 2023, to December 6, 2023 (“PGT Championship”). The “free-roll entry” will entitle the prize winner to participate in the PGT Championship at the lowest starting chip count of all participants (currently anticipated to be 100 big blinds). $300 gift card to a nationally recognized airline of the prize winner’s choosing (subject to gift card availability, otherwise to a nationally recognized airline of Sponsor’s choosing). One standard room at the Aria Resort and Casino (or its partnering hotels) in Las Vegas, Nevada for up to 2 occupants for 4 nights during the 2023 PGT Championship. Total ARV of all prizes that could be awarded in the Giveaway is $21,300.